How To Do Weight Loss On 500 Calories a Day?

Image Credit: Fitness Secret

We could argue about the benefits and drawbacks of a 500-calorie-a-day diet all day. Some individuals say this is an exaggeration. Others vouch for it. Calorie restriction research provides us with guidance. However, it is not conclusive.

Some people have no outcomes (or side effects), while others have excellent results (or poorly). Finally, the reported figure you see at the end is the average. So, what does this imply?

That is to say, disregard the rules. Instead, try something new. A useful benchmark is research. However, the so-called intra-individual variance has certain gaps. To put it another way, people are unique.

That is why, unless you test it yourself, you will never know if eating 500 calories a day is beneficial or harmful for you by reading papers written by others who have done it.

So put on your professor hat because I'm going to show you how to figure out if this 500 calorie stuff is a good fit.

Here are the steps for weight loss eating 500 calories a day.

Start from one day trial For Weight Loss on 500 Calories a Day

How To Do Weight Loss On 500 Calories a Day

Image Credit: Fitness Secret

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. However, before you begin walking, you must first examine the terrain. Is this something you think you'd like to undertake in the long run? The only way to find out is to put it to the test. Experiment.

You don't have to (or should) commit to doing it for seven days. Be astute. Begin where you are, rather than where you believe you should be.

Also Read: How To Lose Weight In Two Weeks Naturally - Fitness Secret

Plan your trial day ahead of time.

  • Pick a day when there are less people around.

  • Divide your meals into two 250-calorie portions. Begin your day with a spoon of coconut oil on an empty stomach to quell hunger (this way you can have your first meal a little later)

  • To curb your appetite, eat more protein and starchy fiber-rich meals.

  • Potatoes, for example, have the highest satiety index and can keep you full for extended periods of time.

  • Throughout the day, drink plenty of water and zero-calorie beverages. Caffeine and green tea have been shown to suppress appetite.

  • After the trial, you'll know how your body reacts to 500 calories and whether or not this is a good fit for you.


You eat healthy all day... spinach, chicken and broccoli.
You try all the diets... keto, paleo and vegan.
You're hungry, you're tired.
But every morning, your weight never changes.
Until you try this...
A newly discovered bizarre tropical fat-dissolving loophole that has NOTHING to do with dieting or exercise... (in fact eating your favorite foods is recommended!)
Jason Mitchell age 43, dissolved 52 lbs with this loophole.
Cheryl age 54 from Memphis, dissolved 29 lbs of fat with this loophole.
And once I saw the fat melt away for me too, I had to share it with you.

Document what you eat, and how you feel

This is the most crucial section. You can't tell if consuming 500 calories a day is healthy or not unless you know how it makes you feel. Here are some things to think about.

How do to feel when you’re hungry?

Do you find yourself thinking about food all the time?

Do you find it difficult to concentrate and maintain a clear mind?

Do you get a wobbly or uneasy feeling?

You should jot these down. Write down how you feel during the day, at mealtimes, after eating, and so on. This will educate you a lot about how you react to different foods (or lack of it).

Ask yourself, "How is that working for me?" on a regular basis. and be truthful in your response To keep track of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and food, keep a food journal.

Make a decision depending on the outcome.

Schedule your calorie restriction day for the next day when you feel like 500 kcal a day is a piece of cake. It doesn't have to be consecutive.

It can be any combination like:

Monday and Saturday

Tuesday and Friday

Saturday and Sunday

It makes no difference. You've been eating 500 calories every day for the past two days. Then it's just a matter of rinsing and repeating until you hit the sweet spot.

You may discover that a calorie deficit of two days a week is sufficient. It's possible that you'll only be able to handle one day. Some people are capable of doing it for up to five days.

If you're feeling lousy after eating 500 calories five days a week, but you think it'll help you lose weight faster, I'm going to put a stop to it.

It is not going to happen. You're going to burn out. Do you recall the hormesis effect?

Find what works for you For Weight Loss on 500 Calories a Day.

How Do You Eat 500 Calories A Day And Still Feel Satisfied?

In the final phase, I'll show you how to eat 500 calories and stay satisfied for longer.

In general, eating slowly for at least 20 minutes, eating without interruptions, and choosing high-protein and high-fiber foods that will improve satiety and minimise hunger emotions are the most effective ways to feel full with 500 calories a day.

It's all about how and what you eat to feel satisfied. Here's a simple step-by-step guide on how to eat.

Eat Slowly

Weight Loss On 500 Calories a Day

Image Credit: Fitness Secret

After the first 20 minutes of eating, you will feel full and satisfied. This means that if you complete your meal in 3 minutes while watching Netflix, you'll be hungry again pretty quickly.

However, if you spend 20 minutes instead of 3 minutes, your gut peptides will rise, signalling the rest of your body that you are actually full (source).

This fullness is going to last a long time. Here's a rundown of how to eat slowly.

Also Read: Exercises to lose weight at home in 7 days | Fitness Secret

Eating without distraction

We overeat as a result of mindless eating. When you're eating while doing something else at the same time, it's called mindless eating. Driving, listening to music, or viewing YouTube are all options. When you eat mindfully, your entire focus is on the food you're consuming.

According to several research, persons who eat mindlessly consume more calories. You will feel fuller for longer if you eat gently and spend 20 minutes on your meal (source).

What Can I Eat For 500 Calories a Day?

High-satiety foods that make you feel fuller are the greatest foods to eat on a 500-calorie-a-day diet. Potatoes, apples, oranges, oats, meats, eggs, whole grain pasta, non-starchy veggies, beans, lentils, and legumes are some of these foods.

How Much Weight Will I Lose If I Eat 500 Calories a Day?

On a 500-calorie diet, you can lose 1–3 pounds each week on average, depending on your age, gender, physical activity, previous weight loss, and consistency. People who are just beginning to follow a calorie-restricted diet will generally show faster improvements than those who have previously lost weight.

Also, because of the metabolic slowdown, the more weight you lose, the lower your resting metabolic rate becomes. Check out my essay on metabolic slowdown and how to avoid it to learn more about how this works.


In conclusion, eating 500 calories a day is not suitable for everyone. Some people who rely too heavily on food as a stress reliever will find it difficult to shift their habits. This isn't to say it can't be done.

Following the steps that I’ve highlighted above ensure you’re doing everything according to your body response for Weight Loss on 500 calories a day.

Remember that this will take some time. Even eating slowly does not always work on the first day. So make use of the checklists and stick to them.

Also Read: 4 Best Smoothies For Weight Loss Recipes 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much weight can you lose on 500 calories a day for 2 weeks?

If you cut your overall calorie intake by 500 to 1,000 calories each day, you'll lose one to two pounds per week. Concentrate on nutrients rather than calories. However, remember that fresh, healthy foods are healthier than manufactured "diet" items.

What happens if I eat only 500 calories a day?

Vitamin and mineral shortages are the most serious risks linked with a 500-calorie diet. Vitamin and mineral shortages can result in a variety of health issues. In fact, most people will not be able to meet their vitamin and mineral needs if they consume less than 1200 calories each day.

Is 500 calories a lot for a meal?

Although each person's daily calorie intake is unique to their goals and demands, nutritionists believe that typical daily consumption at each meal should be divided as follows: Breakfast should be 300 to 400 calories, while lunch and dinner should be 500 to 700 calories each.

How long can someone live on 500 calories a day?

In general, no one can survive on a 500-calorie diet for an extended period of time; this is effectively starving. I believe you can survive on that level for a short length of time, but your body will not be healthy in the long run.

Is eating 500 calories a day too little?

The 500-calorie diet restricts calories to 500 per day, which is roughly a fourth of the daily recommended intake for adults. The diet has an upper limit of 800 calories per day. Very-low-calorie diets, such as the 500-calorie diet, are referred to as such (VLCD).

How many calories should a woman eat a day to lose weight?

She has to cut her calorie consumption to 1,500 calories per day to lose one pound per week. Women who are physically active and walk more than 3 miles per day should consume at least 2,200 calories per day to maintain their weight and 1,700 calories per week to lose one pound per week.



Before you go to bed tonight, eat 1/2 teaspoon of THIS (before 10pm) and boost your metabolism by over 728%!

Here it is:

==> 1/2 Teaspoon Boosts Metabolism By 728% (Slow Metabolism Loophole)


I was too, but then I saw the shocking proof for myself.

Within weeks folks have dropped an average of 25.3 lbs, waists have shrunk by 7.2 inches.

See their incredible results for yourself.

How many calories should I eat a day to lose 4 lbs a week?

In average, a daily calorie deficit of 500 calories will help you lose 1 pound per week, and a daily calorie deficit of 2,000 calories per day would help you lose 4 pounds per week.